In-depth soil characterization using multispectral range FT-IR spectroscopy

In-depth soil characterization using multispectral range FT-IR spectroscopy

Soil analysis is essential for modern agriculture and environmental science, for the determination of the chemical, physical and biological soil properties. Besides XRF, Raman and mass spectroscopy FT-IR is one of the most powerful techniques to uncover soil characteristics.


Different spectral ranges in FT-IR spectroscopy can provide valuable information from different perspectives: VIS for color and soil organic matter; NIR for moisture, texture and chemicals; MIR for minerals, C/N ratio, structural attributes etc.


To achieve thorough soil insights with highest efficiency, Bruker offers a multispectral range soil analysis solution based on the INVENIO  FT-IR R&D spectrometer with fully automated switching between spectral ranges. Find out more about instrumental setup, sample preparation, data evaluation and spectral automation in our new application note.

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